School of
School of

Creche update

3 May 2024

The Stirling School of English provides creche facilities for students for whom the lack of childcare would be an obstacle to attending English classes. This year, five delightful children are cared for by our dedicated and affectionate volunteers some of whom are the undergraduate students at the University of Stirling. These volunteers are doing a work placement module, aiming to gain practical experience with children to enhance their childcare skills.

We have been fortunate to have eight volunteers: Tasnim, Kira, Freya, Iona, Matylda, Jessica, Emma, and Arianna. They formed a wonderful team, demonstrating their utmost dedication to nurturing the little ones under their care. Upon completing their volunteer service, they each created posters summarizing their experiences, which they proudly presented at the Psychology Conference held at the University of Stirling.

Our Creche Coordinator, Riveka, attended the conference and supported the students, feeling immense pride in the volunteers’ achievements. Likewise, the university coordinator expressed great delight at having representation from our organization at the conference. Additionally, Riveka conducted interviews with all the volunteers, who shared how their experiences with us helped them cultivate essential skills such as patience, empathy, care, and creativity. They emphasized how this opportunity contributed significantly to their personal growth and development.

We are very grateful to the university for all the support and wish the students success in their future studies and work.

Register for classes in the August/December 2024 semester

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Register for the IN-PERSON classes

19th August - 18th December 2024

Register for the ONLINE classes

26th August - 18th December 2024